The following statement was released by OPA on Friday, June 5, 2020 on social media.
The following statement was released by OPA on Friday, June 5, 2020 on social media.
Phyllis Carleton, a life time member of the OPA, celebrated her 100th birthday on September 28, 2019 with family and friends. Phyllis graduated from the University of Toronto in Occupational Therapy in 1940, after serving in World War II (WWII). During WWII, she served with the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps in England. She [...]
Physio North is a biannual conference launched in the 1990s to enrich, empower and encourage physiotherapists and physiotherapist assistants working in northern Ontario. This September, we had more than 30 people register for Physio North 2019. Our theme was Maximizing Our Potential. Traditionally, we are a profession that constantly tries to maximize our clients' [...]
This year OPA once again exhibited at the Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario (AFHTO) conference: Health System Integration Built on The Foundation of Team-Based Primary Health Care, which took place September 19-20, 2019. This was the fifth year in a row that OPA exhibited at this particular conference. I had the pleasure [...]
By Alison Bonnyman, Secretary, OPA Board of Directors I was very pleased to be a part of the CPA Forum on Promoting Healthy Aging. Admittedly, it took some family persuasion to be away on the July long weekend, but it was worth it. Healthy Aging is a very timely topic both professionally, as we [...]
#WCPT2019: The thoughts of a Rookie Presenter & WCPT Delegate By Tracy Blake, PT, PhD What happens when 4500 physiotherapists from over 100 World Confederation for Physical Therapists (WCPT) member organizations descend on Geneva, Switzerland? Magic. Opening ceremonies was an incredible experience- I hadn’t truly understood the breadth of the physiotherapy community until I [...]
Outstanding Volunteer Award Recipient By Robert Cusinato Who am I? The answer to this very question remains elusive not only to me but to each and every one of us. While I have been searching for clues, I have experienced a rebirth of sorts. It still remains unclear what triggered this positive change as [...]
OPA’s InterACTION conference is quickly approaching in Toronto on Friday, April 5– Saturday, April 6! There are lots of reasons to attend the conference. For example, listening to speakers including two plenary sessions (one on tech in health care), viewing presentations on recent research, networking with your peers, celebrating the physiotherapy profession, and more! [...]
The Home Care Advisory Committee (HCAC) and the Hospital Advisory Committee (HAC) met on November 17, 2018 in Toronto for their annual in-person meeting. The morning started off with a very informative presentation on bundled funding (integrated funding models) delivered by Chris Sulway, Vice President, Quality Performance and Accountability, and Luciano Veta, Manager, Contracts [...]
Health Quality Transformation 2018, a Health Quality Ontario event, is Canada's largest conference on health care quality and this year it was held on October 17, 2018 in Toronto, London, Ottawa, Sudbury and Thunder Bay. The Ontario Physiotherapy Association was invited to exhibit once again this year at the conference in Toronto. OPA staff [...]