Welcome to the Eastern Ontario District of the Ontario Physiotherapy Association – Bringing OPA to your neck of the woods.


Join us at our Annual General Meeting!

Thursday April 3, 2025, 6:00 to 8:00 pm

Action Potential Rehabilitation, Unit 300, 2081 Merivale RD

Find out more below and RSVP.

Your District Team

Nanda Nair – President eastern@opa.on.ca

Patricia Fejes – Treasurer

Katherine Pauhl– Education

Gain leadership skills, join the local physiotherapy community and have fun!

Positions currently available: President, Secretary, Communications Chair, Events Chair


Annual General Meeting

Thursday April 3, 2025, 6:00 to 8:00 pm

Action Potential Rehabilitation, Unit 300, 2081 Merivale RD

Guest speakers: Lorraine McCormick, B.SC.PT & Julia Wallace, MHScPT speaking on Functional Neurological Disorder – Unravelling the Mystery!

RSVP today!


Managing the Lower Functioning Individual

Managing the Lower Functioning Individual

NDT Workshop in the Management of Adults with Stroke, Brain Injury and Other Neuromotor Disorders

Thanks to all who attended!

Saturday, June 22, 2024 from 8:30am-3:30pm
Action Potential, 2081 Merivale Rd #300, Ottawa, ON K2G 1G9

OPA members: $300+ HST; Login for member pricing
Non-members: $375 + HST

This one-day workshop explored current NDT principles and handling skills to promote recovery in an individual post-stroke or brain injury who is lower functioning. As therapists we often struggle to determine where to start and how to progress an individual who requires more assistance. This workshop will include progression strategies in sitting, standing, and early gait. We will explore how to involve a second person (assist x 2) when working with the lower functioning individual. The workshop will provide participants with additional skills to enhance consistency in patient care and contribute to the overall team rehabilitation efforts of achieving functional outcomes for patients.

Instructor: Karen Guha, PT, CIDN, C/NDT, NDTA™ Coordinator Instructor

Karen-Guha-pictureKaren is a physiotherapist at Grand River Hospital and Back Works Spinal & Sports Rehabilitation. She received her Physical Therapy degree from the University of Toronto in 1996 and became NDT trained in 1999. Karen became a NDTA™ PT Instructor in 2007, a NDTA™ Coordinator Instructor in 2011, and a NDTA™ Advanced Course Instructor in 2014. She has over 25 years’ experience working with adults with neurological impairments in acute, rehabilitation and outpatient settings. Karen has taught NDT courses throughout North America and internationally.


Annual General Meeting 2024

Annual General Meeting 2024

The Eastern Ontario District would like to thank all those who attended our AGM on February 22, 2024.


From L to R: Nanda Nair, District President, Ben Tobali, Past-President, Liam Dessureault, Past-President, Patricia Fejes, Treasurer, Olivia MacKiddie


Join our Executive

Gain leadership skills, join the local physiotherapy community and have fun!

Positions currently available:

  • President
  • Secretary
  • Communications Chair
  • Events Chair 

Find out more by emailing Nanda, Eastern Ontario District President.


Contact Us

Find us on Facebook OPA Eastern Ontario District

Search @EOD_OPA on Instagram

Email the Eastern Ontario District