Thanks to all who completed OPA’s Scope of Practice Survey!
The survey closed October 31, 2024.
All Ontarians, regardless of where they live, or their ability to pay, should have timely access to physiotherapists and the full scope of practice of physiotherapy for the essential care they need, as close to home as possible.
We Need Everyone to Help! Share Your Voice.
We know that physiotherapists working up to their full scope of practice offers numerous benefits to both patients and the healthcare system. Share this message and graphic on social media or by email.
Social Media: Use the text below and tag the Hon. Doug Ford, Premier and the Hon. Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health in your social post. Tag your local MPP. Email the text below with/out the graphic to your local MPP. Find your MPP’s email through the link below.
Sample copy to use with graphic:
It is the mission of this government to deliver on a vision for patient centred care. This promise ensures that Ontarians will be connected to the health care they need when they need it.
The government has made a commitment to Ontarians to strengthen all aspects of health care – including hospital emergency rooms, community settings and care at home. Ontario’s physiotherapists deliver care in each of these settings and can have an even greater impact on providing timely, accessible and patient centered care if they are able to practice at their full scope.
The government’s long-term plan is built on three pillars: The Right Care in the Right Place, Faster Access to Care, and Hiring More Health Care Workers. Physiotherapists are regulated health professionals and members of interdisciplinary care teams across the province, and they are calling on the government to finally enable them to practice their full scope and improve care for Ontario’s patients.
Ontario’s physiotherapists are expecting the province to truly deliver on their vision – to complete the work that was started with Bill 179. Complete the remaining regulations to implement the authorities for physiotherapists to order diagnostic imaging, including x-rays and ultrasound, and to order laboratory tests. @SylviaJonesmpp @Fordnationdougford [insert your local MPP].

Share graphic today!
For the well-being of Ontarians:
1. Remove barriers to access timely care by implementing the full scope of practice for physiotherapists
The most effective and efficient health system is one that puts patients first and facilitates timely access to care by allowing regulated health professionals to work to the full extent of their scope of practice.
We need to finish the job on behalf of patients and all Ontarians: Put in place the regulations needed to enable professionals to work to their full scope of practice, including the authorities for physiotherapists to order x-rays, diagnostic ultrasound and laboratory tests.
- Increasing timely access to care in our communities. Complete the remaining regulations to implement the authorities for physiotherapists to order diagnostic imaging, including x-rays and ultrasound, and to order laboratory tests.
2. Increase access to physiotherapy services in your community
No Ontarian, regardless of their financial circumstances, should have to go without the essential healthcare they need, including physiotherapy, to promote well-being, get back on their feet after injury, or live optimally with chronic conditions in their homes or communities.
All Ontarians should have access to physiotherapists they need for their well-being.
- Expanding the investment in primary health care organizations to ensure that all regions and sub-regions across Ontario have access to primary health care with integrated physiotherapy services.
- Increasing the resources and capacity for publicly-funded physiotherapy services in: home care, community clinics, schools, hospital, primary health care and long-term care homes. No one should have to go without the care they need.