We are so glad you are interested in practicing in Ontario.
Below is information to get you started. Contact us with any questions.
1. Learn about the credentialing process:
If you have completed your physiotherapy education outside of Canada, you must have your qualifications and education credentials assessed by the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (CAPR).
CAPR determines if you are eligible to write the Physiotherapy Competency Exam (PCE) which consists of two parts: a written component and clinical component.
Learn more about the credentialing process and exams.
2. Once credentialled you are one step closer to registering to practice in Ontario:
Applicants who successfully completed the credentialling process are able to challenge the exam with no additional requirements.
Those who are not eligible will be asked to complete additional steps which will be guided by CAPR.
Once you are successful in challenging the PCE, your next step is to register with the College of Physiotherapist of Ontario. Physiotherapists in Ontario are regulated by the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario.
Access the process to registration for both internationally educated and Canadian trained physiotherapists.

There are several programs that offer additional training to prepare internationally educated physiotherapists to bridge their knowledge and skills to meet the CAPR entry-to-practice requirements.
The College of Physiotherapists of Ontario has created a Transitioning to Practice in Ontario learning series to help support physiotherapists starting their careers in Ontario.
This free resource includes six video-based modules that explore the healthcare landscape in Ontario, and highlight the expectations for physiotherapists in key areas of practice including boundaries, consent and communication. Each module includes resources to support ongoing learning and a quiz for participants to assess their understanding of key concepts. Access the learning modules.
The College of Physiotherapists of Ontario has developed resources on how to become a physiotherapist in Ontario for those who are new to Canada and received their physiotherapy training outside of Canada.
The University of Toronto OIEB Program offers an online course to assist internationally educated physiotherapists understand the Canadian healthcare system, culture, and context for practice. Learn more about the course.
Those who have passed either their written or both the written and clinical components are eligible to practice in Ontario but only after you register with the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario.
Learn more about the different College registration categories and their requirements.
In speaking with prospective employers, make sure you have a conversation about your College registration status and the requirement to have a supervisor until you qualify for independent practice. See if the employer has someone on staff who will be able to fulfill the supervisor role. The College has a step-by-step guide to help you understand what it means to be a physiotherapy resident and a supervisor.
One way to increase your network and circle of opportunities is reaching out to PT clinics in your area to see if you can meet with them and learn more about their practice. Some hospitals and home care agencies may offer “shadowing” programs where you can apply to shadow a PT in that setting for a defined period of time.
Consider become a member of the Ontario Physiotherapy Association (OPA) and get to know your local OPA District members. Join the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) and as an Ontario resident you automatically become a member of the Ontario Physiotherapy Association.
Do your research on the position and place of employment to which you want to apply. Your research should include:
- the type of clinic or other health care setting you want to practice within
- what you can learn about the work environment, including culture, vision, values, safety protocols and other factors that are important for you.
Many hospitals and home care agencies also post employment opportunities on their websites under the “careers” section.
Know the position you are applying for and write a cover letter that aligns your greatest strengths to the position that is being offered. Show that you have done your homework and know why you are perfect for the organization and the position. Make sure your cover letter and resume highlights what sets you apart from other applicants, and that includes what you bring to the position as someone trained in another country.
OPA has a New Grad toolkit that includes information on getting an interview, interview and resume tips, and many more resources to help with your effort in getting a job.
HealthForceOntario also developed a general employment resource starter kit that covers topics like job search, exploring your options, and much more!
Take advantage of the Practice Advisor team at the College. They can answer questions related to practice, rules and regulations. In addition, Bridging Programs are another excellent hub of resources (such as filling gaps of knowledge and skills, knowledge about Canadian Healthcare system, clinical placement opportunity, networking, preparation for job interview, and writing cover letter/ resume).
HealthForceOntario also has an access centre for internationally-educated health professionals for program and services that focuses on the integration into the Ontario health care system.
This will be different for everyone based on how similar or different the rules are governing practicing. Understanding the Canadian healthcare system is critically important. Understanding what it means to be self-regulated in Ontario and the role of the College of Physiotherapist of Ontario in regulating physiotherapists is also important to your success in practicing in Ontario. The College of Physiotherapists of Ontario sets rules and standards on obtaining consent, communication, controlled acts, working with physiotherapist assistants.