Welcome to the Northern Ontario District of the Ontario Physiotherapy Association.Green-Line-1

Your District Team:

Venkadesan Rajendran – President-Elect & Education Coordinator

Andy Wang – Past-President

Jody Lemieux – Secretary

Rhonda Matthews – Treasurer & Communication Coordinator

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An Addiction to Pain-Relief…often Perpetuated by physiotherapists

Thursday, September 12, 2024, 6:30-7:30pm

Free for OPA members: Login to receive member pricing.
Non-members: $25 + HST

Instructor: Bahram Jam is the founder and director of Advanced Physical Therapy Education Institute (APTEI) and has been a chief instructor for over one-thousand postgraduate Orthopaedic courses across Canada and internationally. He has presented at several national and international conferences. He currently practices with direct patient care at Athletes Care in Toronto.

Learning Objectives

We, as a society, are obsessed with “quick fixes” and desperately search for “magic cures” to solve the unexpected discomforts we experience.

No one likes to experience a trauma, therefore not wishing to be injured is human and of course rational, but not expecting to experience pain when an injury has occurred is irrational. Expecting to get fully better faster than the body is capable of healing itself is also an unreasonable expectation.

There is certainly a role in physiotherapists assisting patients with acute soft tissue injuries, such as assurance, bracing, activity modifications and optimal exercise prescription. However this presentation will offer supportive evidence that as PTs we need to stop focusing on pain, as the overuse / inappropriate use of most “pain management” interventions are a leading cause of CHRONIC pain.

Physio North 2023 – What a Fantastic Event!


The Physio North 2023 conference on September 30 was a great success! Thanks to all the speakers, sponsors, and attendees who participated. Our physiotherapy community in Northern Ontario had the chance to network and learn about various physiotherapy topics, including day-to-day practice issues.

Thank you to our Sponsors!

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