Job Postings


Attention OPA members: Login before purchasing job listings for member pricing. Members: $85+HST per listing, per month. Non-Members: $170+HST per listing, per month.

To comply with Bill 149, Working for Workers Four Act, 2024 salary ranges are now required in job listings as is identifying if AI is used during the hiring process.

Each month a job ad is listed on our site it is also included in our Jobs & Classifieds e-blast circulated to over 5,000 members. Job ads are posted online within two business days. Contact Sara Pulins with any questions.


View current job listings

To comply with Bill 149, Working for Workers Four Act, 2024 salary ranges are now required in job listings as is identifying if AI is used during the hiring process.

With a fee split model of compensation, OPA suggests including all of this information:

  • specific fees or rates charged for assessments and treatments
  • the fee split (e.g., 60/40)
  • expected caseload

If you know the expected caseload, it is best to include a calculation of the expected compensation (estimated number of assessments and treatments per week and what the compensation would be for that week).

Additional information

Number of Months

1 Month, 2 Months, 3 Months, 6 Months