Labour and Birth Preparation for Clinical Practice



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Course TypeOnline
Date04/02/2025 - 04/23/2025
Instructor NameRobyn Synnott and Anita Lambert
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Brief Description

Participants who register for this course have the option to attend the course live and/or watch the recorded sessions later. The recording will be available to all registrants for a 2-week period after the course/each session. This allows participants who may not be able to attend the live sessions to still benefit from the course content. To facilitate attendance tracking, please indicate on your registration form if you won't be attending live.

Course Description:

This course is intended for healthcare and wellness professionals that work with pregnant individuals and are looking to help improve their clients labour and birth experience. This course will guide participants to empower their clients to have a positive birth experience using a blend of current evidence and standard birth care practices, using compassionate and trauma-informed care.

Course Objectives:

  • To review current standards of care and practice for birth.
  • To review different birth interventions.
  • To learn and understand the anatomy and physiology of birth including the nervous system, pelvic anatomy, hormones, fetal positioning, and cardinal movements.
  • To learn practical steps to provide care that is trauma-informed for people in the perinatal phase.
  • To understand the complex nature of pain in birth.
  • To briefly explain the role of the different birth care providers and birth workers.
  • To learn and understand the stages of labour, pushing, and birth.
  • To learn and practice comfort measures for birth.
  • To learn the evidence around positions for and types of pushing.
  • To provide some practical ways to implement this knowledge into a clinical practice.
  • To provide a variety of ways to help your clients/patients to advocate for themselves during pregnancy and birth.
  • To provide a framework to help your clients partners to become active participants in the birth process.
  • Discussions around current birth trends and myths about birth.

This course includes access to a pre-recorded workshop on how to structure a Birth Partner Labour Preparation Appointment.

Audience: This course is open to all healthcare and wellness professionals.

Prerequisites: None

Date/Time: April 2, 9, 16 & 23, 2025, from 5:30pm - 9:00pm ET (Toronto). Please convert to your local time zone.
Contact NameSarah Goorts
Contact EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.