The Ontario Physiotherapy Association (OPA), with help from second year student representatives, organized PNE information sessions in May and June.  For more than five years now, OPA has organized the sessions at each of the five Ontario universities with physiotherapy programs to help second year students prepare for the clinical component of the national exam. A total of 254 second year students from across Ontario participated this year!

The information sessions all included:

  • A presentation from a past examiner of the clinical component of the national exam
  • Past examinees sharing their experience
  • A representative from the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators. New this year!

Students had the opportunity to ask questions and learn from those previously involved in the clinical component of the exam, as well as those who had successfully completed the exam.

“I found the session very informative. It has helped me have greater understanding of the format of both the written and clinical components of the exam.” – student participant

 “Great informative session that helped ease my nerves a little going into the exams.” – student participant

THANK YOU to everyone who came out and contributed to the success of the PNE sessions!