Welcome to the OPA District President/Liaison Role. Check out all the information you need to be successful in your role.

Thank you for all your efforts and for being an OPA volunteer!

Questions? Contact Diane Unção, Corporate Manager, at 416-322-6866.


Featured in this video: Joe Walton, Bahram Jam, Jessica Wilson, Derek Debassige, Denise Taylor, Jeffrey Andrion, Jackie Schleifer Taylor, Deborah Kennedy, Jennifer Howey, Stephanie Nixon, Judy King, Monica Maly, Sarah Wojkowski, Darryl Yardley, Jordan Miller

OPA Strategic Plan 2022-2024



Districts are invited to send in their reports to the Board prior to each Board meeting. Send your report to Diane Unção using the format found in Appendix A. If there is a particular item of concern that you would like highlighted and discussed by the OPA Board, then details of this item should be included under CONCERNS.



The Board of Directors consists of the following positions:

  • President
  • President-Elect or Past President
  • Secretary
  • Directors


Committees, advisory groups and task forces support the operational or implementation activities of the Board and assist in the implementation of strategic initiatives for the Association. They provide advice to the staff and assist staff in implementation of initiatives. The staff person and the Board Liaison are responsible for bringing issues, concerns, projects, and accomplishments to the Board in their regular reports. They will also communicate with the Chairs of committees or working groups between Board meetings to ensure that the Chair understands Board priorities and actions.

  • Home Care Advisory Committee
  • Hospital Advisory Committee
  • Primary Care Advisory Committee
  • Private Practice Advisory Committee
  • Governance Committee
  • Education Committee


These committees contribute directly to the Board’s ability to carry out its responsibilities and report to the Board of Directors. They include Governance, Awards, Finance and Elections (as needed).


The Board has one employee and that is the CEO. The CEO is responsible for all aspects of the Association’s operations, both inside and outside the OPA office. The CEO coordinates all staff management, Association legal services, budgetary governance and long-range planning. Reporting to the OPA Board of Directors, the CEO acts as the voice of the profession, working closely with OPA consultants to improve government relations and respond quickly to changes in the political landscape. They are the primary liaison between the Board of Directors and the members of the Association, and is directly involved with all District, Board and Committee activities. 

The CEO hires staff to facilitate the achievement of the Associations goals and activities. In addition to the CEO there are five full time staff on the OPA team.

Roles of the CEO include:

  1. To administer the day-to-day affairs of the Association.
  2. To direct the Association staff.
  3. To be knowledgeable of physiotherapy issues and cognizant of external forces and directions.
  4. To provide structures for the administrative support of the Board and officers.
  5. To develop policies and procedures in response to Board direction.
  6. To provide creative input to the Board and Executive in the achievement of the Association’s mission and goals.
  7. To ensure effective information processing (collation, analysis, recommendation, circulation, retrieval) within the Association.
  8. To provide continuity to the Board and officers.
  9. To develop a resource network.
  10. To represent the Association on the direction of the President.
  11. To monitor the activities of the Association and its committees.
  12. To report to the Board and Executive committee all pertinent activities.

Email Diane

The Corporate Manager manages and provides support to the CEO in the area of financials, daily operations of the Association, review and negotiation of contracts, correspondence, and maintenance of staff attendance, benefits and vacation. She also manages and maintains accurate records of Association’s revenues/expenses required for auditing and processing accounts payable/account receivables. She evaluates advertising opportunities to both increase non-dues revenue and increase value for membership through member advertising discounts.

She is responsible for obtaining District, Committee, and Board reports for the Board meetings. She helps to prepare the financial statements for the Board package and assists the Board with hotel accommodation for Board meetings. She manages all related expense forms received.

She assists Districts with any banking needs and obtains Districts year-end financials.

Email Amy

The Director Practice, Policy and Member Services is the Association’s primary contact with and resource to staff, members, volunteers and the public in the areas of practice and policy related to physiotherapy in Ontario. She manages activities regarding member service offerings, professional practice issues and resources, advocacy projects, and the building of strategic partnerships.

She is the staff resource to the Education and Governance Committees, provides support to the Board of Directors to allow them to fulfil their roles and responsibilities, and contributes to the development and implementation of the strategic and business plan. She takes a lead role in preparing the Board meeting packages, contributing largely to the operations report and other briefing notes/reports are required by the CEO.

Email Gonxhe

Reporting to the Director of Practice, Policy and Member Services, Gonxhe provides support to the Practice, Policy and Member Services team by coordinating and developing projects related to physiotherapy practice and policy. She has multiple responsibilities at the Association including collaborating with key stakeholders, conducting policy and data analysis, research, advocacy projects, and member services.

Email Sara

The Manager of Marketing and Communications is the Association’s primary contact with and resource to staff, members, the public and media in the areas of marketing, communications and media relations. She works closely with the staff team to ensure that marketing, internal and external communications and media relations plans and execution of the plans are consistent with, and for the fulfilment of, the Association’s mission and goals.

She ensures the Marketing Plan is developed and implemented including OPA’s participation and collaboration with CPA during National Physiotherapy Month.`

She also oversees the publication of Physiotherapy Today, the circulation of member eblasts and ensures that the website is up to date. She is also the first point of contact for any media and oversees all OPA Social Media. She also develops and edits the Annual Report and plays a key role in communication related activities associated OPA’s annual conference.

She writes the quarterly Board Communications Report.

Questions, suggestions or comments about OPA’s eblasts, newsletter, social media, advertising, website and the OPA marketing campaign can be directed to her.


Key Responsibilities for Each District:

Selecting representatives to participate as voting delegates at AGM (and other OPA events)

Role of  the District President (or liaison) is to be primary contact between the district and OPA staff and the Board

Identifying content experts to participate in and support for OPA activities/projects

Network with district members

Participate in virtual meetings or meeting opportunities

Additional Activities Districts Could Be Involved In:

Networking/mentoring activities, Professional development/education, Marketing/promotional activities, Lobbying/political activities, Additional feedback and input to Board and staff


The Association Needs the Following From Districts:

Consistent access to a contact person or liaison that is responsible for ensuring core activities are carried out

Representation from the District membership for official Association events such as the Annual General Meeting

Fiscal responsibility and reporting

The Association Recognizes that Districts & Their Representatives Need:

A sense of direction and purpose

An understanding of the requirements and activities that a District must and could undertake

An orientation to the Association, issues, Board and staff and various roles and responsibilities

Support (i.e., Orientation manual, list of OPA office contacts, communications support to your district, regular teleconferences to provide forum to address issues and network with other Districts)



All practicing physiotherapists in Ontario are required to have a valid certificate of registration from the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario. Without this, individuals are not permitted to use the title of physiotherapist or practice as a physiotherapist in Ontario.

Verify the registration of a physiotherapist in Ontario.

District Course Toolkit

Everything You Need to Run Professional Development in Your District

Check out all the district events that took place in 2021:

Northern Ontario District:
  • Physio North 2021
  • Oxygen Administration and Titration Webinar
  • Caring for Patients with Mental Health Issues Webinar
  • Mindfulness Practices for Stress Management Webinar
Central Toronto District:
  • Persistent Low Back Pain Virtual Course
Kitchener-Waterloo District:
  • Addressing Mental Health Concerns Webinar
Windsor District:
  • PCE Town Halls
London District:
  • Information Session on Post-COVID-19 Condition (Long-COVID) Webinar


Read about the four standard District Executive positions. Variations in the descriptions of each role will exist. For more details, refer to your District’s Constitution.

District President 

  • Role of the District President is to be the primary contact link between the district and OPA staff and Board
  • Supervise the affairs of the District
  • Call meetings as stipulated in article VIII of the District’s Constitution
  • Ensure that a member shall represent the District at all relevant OPA meetings and/or functions as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee
  • Appoint at all Annual and Special General Meetings (SGM), a Minutes Approving Committee of two members which shall approve the minutes of the meeting, with any necessary corrections, and return them to the Secretary within one-month receipt of same
  • Report to the Annual General Meeting of the District
  • Perform other duties as usually pertain to the office of District President
  • Forward all reports to OPA office as requested


  • Hold office for one year prior to the end of the President’s term of office and shall automatically become President at the end of that officer’s term
  • Assist the President in carrying out their responsibilities
  • Serve in the absence of the President
  • Be responsible for annually reviewing the policies and procedures of the District
  • Be the advisor regarding rules of order for meetings
  • Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Committee


  • Maintain the files of the District
  • Obtain current membership information from the OPA as required
  • Notify the members of all General Meetings of the District
  • Record the minutes of all Executive committee and General Meetings of the District
  • Send copies of Executive Committee Meeting minutes, at least ten days prior to the next meeting, to
    • All members of the District Executive Committee
    • The approved minutes of AGM/SGM’s and other General Meeting minutes to:
      • All members of the Executive Committee
      • the Chair of all Units in the same area as the District
      • the Chief Executive Officer of the OPA
  • Correspond as deemed necessary by the President
  • Send copies of all District briefs, submissions and reports to the Branch
  • Send a copy of the Constitution to any member who may request it
  • Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Committee


  • Serve as one of the signing officers of the District
  • Bank all monies received by the District
  • Examine all accounts and bills
  • Submit all accounts and bills to the Executive Committee for approval of payment
  • Keep accurate records of all financial transactions of the District
  • Provide the Executive Committee with a bank reconciliation and financial statement at monthly intervals
  • Prepare the annual budget in consultation with the Executive Committee
  • Have the books audited/reviewed at the end of the fiscal year, and at the end of the Treasurer’s term of office
  • Present the audited/reviewed annual balance sheet, and related statement of receipts and disbursements, to the AGM
  • Submit audited/reviewed statements and budget to OPA CEO

OPA District Constitution

Below is an example of a standard District Constitution. Variations exist for each District. Please contact the office if you do not have a copy of your District’s current Constitution.

As per the OPA Bylaws, “the constitution of each District and any amendments thereto shall be approved by the members of the applicable district in accordance with the then current constitution and shall thereafter be subject to the approval of the Board which the Board may withhold in its sole discretion. Each constitution and any proposed amendments thereto shall be consistent with the Act, Letters Patent, and Supplementary Letters Patent, the by-laws, rules and policies of the Corporation. Any decision of the Board shall be final and binding and there shall be no appeal there from.”

Please note that the District Constitutions are in need of a full review and update to align with the bylaws. We recommend Districts do not engage in a review of their individual constitutions at this time.


District Zoom Account

Access the OPA District Zoom account to run a virtual member meeting (e.g., District AGM) or an educational event (e.g., guest speaker).
  1. Login to the zoom account and ensure there is no other meeting booked already. If not, create a new meeting. Add time before and after the scheduled time in case you want to enter the meeting room in advance to prepare and added time after allows for room in case you go over. There is a 100-person limit to the meeting room. If you would like to do a trial run with OPA staff or have questions, feel free to email Diane.
  2. Contact Sara Pulins with the meeting invite information for promotional and/or registration purposes. Sara will send communications out to your district members including updating your district website page.
  3. Educational sessions: consider recording the session to make it available to attendees and/or to OPA members more broadly at a later date. The recording will not include the chat box, only the presenter view and the slides or the slides and presenter audio only (depending on the presenter’s preference).
    1. Obtain consent from the presenter(s) to record and share.
    2. Record to “the cloud” not to your “computer”.
    3. Attached is a template instruction slide you can use at the beginning of the session.
    4. Advise your presenters or moderators to avoid using attendees’ names when addressing attendee’s questions.
    5. Plan with your presenter(s) who will screen share the slide deck, advance the slides, how they would like participants ask questions (e.g., using the chat box only and/or coming off mute to ask verbally).
    6. As host, while the presenter is presenting, monitor participants to ensure they are muted unless they are speaking to avoid background noise distractions.


Learn more about Zoom with these quick Zoom tutorials.



When using the OPA District Zoom account, be sure to not only “end the meeting” at the end of the session but logout of the account as well.


Election for Directors and the President-Elect takes place at the OPA Annual General Meeting (AGM) and is conducted by voting delegates. Each District in Ontario is entitled to vote at the AGM. The allocation of voting delegates is based on membership statistics as of October 1 of each year and follows a specific formula set out in the OPA Bylaws and policy. Under Ontario corporate law, proxies cannot be used when there is a voting delegate system, so it is very important that each district sends its full complement of delegates to the AGM. Please note that students are eligible to vote at the AGM and may become voting delegates.

The Voting Delegate shall represent the District in which she/he has been elected. The Voting Delegate is responsible for presenting the views of the District membership to the AGM Assembly (or Special Meeting) and for voting in accordance with these views to the betterment of the Association.

Role of the Voting Delegate

  1. To represent and vote on behalf of her/his District members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) or at Special Meetings of the membership of OPA.
  2. To be accountable to the District membership.
  3. To be cognizant of both District and Provincial concerns relating to resolutions and other issues to be voted on at the AGM or Special Meeting.


  1. Member in good standing of OPA.
  2. Elected/selected by the membership of the District in which she/he is registered.
  3. Current knowledge of OPA issues and how they apply to the District.
  4. Experience at the OPA committee or District Executive level is recommended.


  1. Attend 1-3 District meetings prior to the OPA AGM/Special Meeting.
  2. Meet with members of the District Executive prior to the OPA AGM/Special Meeting.
  3. Attend the Pre-AGM at the OPA Convention.
  4. Attend the AGM at the OPA Convention.
  5. Attend Special Meetings as called by the Association


  1. To become cognizant of current physiotherapy activities and concerns with regards to all issues to be brought forward at the AGM/Special Meeting (resolutions, bylaw changes or nominations).
  2. To learn and understand the members’ concerns regarding the issues.
  3. To represent and voice the members’ views and concerns to the AGM or Special Meeting Assembly.
  4. To listen and evaluate concerns from other Districts in relation to her/his District.
  5. To be prepared to act independently in the case of emergency resolutions and/or amendments in the best interest of the Association and the membership.


OPA’s Awards Program is based on a peer recognition model – members recognizing members.

In March 2020, the Board approved changes to the Award’s program based on feedback from Districts and others. The language within each award description has been simplified and examples of past winners will be added to the nomination package to help nominators determine which award their candidate is best suited for. One nominator (but not the primary nominator) can be a non-member and the primary nominator can request that OPA staff obtain the resume from the candidate to facilitate the nomination process if they choose to do so.

Check out the latest Award Winners.

Awards Nominations for 2023 are now closed.


Read these short Guidelines for Financial Management to understand the District financial requirements. Access the Treasurer’s Kit below and complete the appropriate forms as needed. Questions? Contact Diane Unção.
Complete this form any time there is a change in any banking information.
Complete this form once per year with updated financial information for your district’s fiscal year.


We are here to help.
Find out more about all OPA staff
and contact us with any questions.

Contact OPA